Peace Building and Reconciliation Program

Effective early warning systems have been widely recognized as worthwhile and necessary investments and, coupled with early response and better preparedness; they help in increasing stability […]

Capacity Building and Training

Supporting communities to rebuild relationships that have been fractured through training peace-building professionals with the requisite skills and techniques for long term conflict prevention and managementDelivering […]

Community Research

Focus of our research: We are committed to tackling the societal, political and economic challenges which arise in the context of conflict management with interdisciplinary approaches […]

Monitoring and Evaluation

Monitoring and evaluation is all about learning from what you are doing and how you are doing it, and taking action to adjust your strategy accordingly. […]

Mediation and Facilitation

When challenges exists, whether among management or between divisions,  collaborative conflict management is essential to address interpersonal issues and set up sustainable agreements. This is where […]

Projects and Programs

We provide a well-structured, context-aware and standardized approach to project management.

They wait for your help

Nullam pretium augue in mi pulvinar, mattis lobortis turpis bibendum. Curabitur accumsan lacinia massa quis fermentum? Maecenas aliquam felis sed nisi volutpat.

They are grateful

Vivamus pharetra ipsum mollis lorem pulvinar elementum. Aliquam scelerisque pharetra ex in pharetra. Suspendisse nec tortor nec est consequat malesuada at amet.